New unique love messages

I give to all lovers these true love messages , unique and new

messages above cloud

Loving you

Loving you without limits
Loving you is deep in my spirit
Loving you like a beast
If someone hurts you i will make with  him a feast

?    ?    ?    ?    ?

love host

For you sweetheart I will pay all it cost
For our love that i cannot lost
So welcome to the world my love host

?    ?    ?    ?    ?

I love you that is all

I love you sweety that is all
All your flaws
Your smile
Your giggles 
Your jokes
Your mistakes
You are everything to me

?    ?    ?    ?    ?

My favorite sound

Your voice is my favorite sound
When i hear it i do not feel my feet above ground

?    ?    ?    ?    ?

Heartbeat's rate

Babe open to me your heart's gate
Do not tell me that is too late
I wish that we have a date
And that is what will rise my heartbeat's rate


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